


προ·εντυγχάνω (f. -εντεύξομαι, ao. -ενέτυχον, etc.) rencontrer auparavant, se mettre auparavant en relation avec, dat. PLUT. Nic. 10 ; ὄψις πρ. τῆς φωνῆς, PLUT. Pomp. 2, la vue devance la parole, càd. commencer l’entretien du regard avant d’avoir parlé.
Bailly 2020 Hugo Chávez Gérard Gréco, André Charbonnet, Mark De Wilde, Bernard Maréchal & contributeurs / Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification — « CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 »


encounter, meet first, Ph. 1.363, al., J. BJ 5.6.5, al. ; τῇ ἄγρᾳ Ael. NA 4.13; come in contact with first, τοῖς πράγμασι Plu. 2.1122b; pf. part. -εντετυχηκώς previously acquainted with, Gal. 17(1).501.
intercede with first, Ph. 1.547; have audience of first, πρέσβεις π. τῇ βουλῇ Plu. Nic. 10; ὄψις π. αὐτοῦ τῆς φωνῆς an appearance which spoke for him before he opened his mouth, Id. Pomp. 2.
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)


(τυγχάνω), vorher antreffen, darauf stoßen, Sp., wie Synes.; vorher seine Aufwartung machen, Plut. qu.Rom. 43.
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)