


ου (τὸ) :
troupe de brigands, XÉN. Hell. 5, 4, 42 ; ESCHN. 27, 8 ; PLUT. Pomp. 26, Syll. 3, etc. ;
      2 lieu de refuge de brigands, nid de pirates, STR. 644 ;
      3 brigandage, LUC. Char. 11 au plur.

Étym. λῃστήρ.

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Dor. λᾳστήριον, τό, band of robbers, X. HG 5.44.42, Aeschin. 1.191, PPetr. 3 P. 59 (iii BC); in pl., piratical vessels, Clidem. 5, IGRom. 4.219 (Ilion).
retreat or nest of robbers, SIG 581.52 (Crete, iii/ii BC), Str. 14.1.32.
robbery, Luc. Cont. 11 (pl.). λᾳστήριοι (Dor.), οἱ, pirates, metaph, Axiop. 6.
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)


τό, Räuberbande ; ἐκπέμπων λῃστήρια ἔφερε καὶ ἦγε τοὺς Θηβαίους Xen. Hell. 5.4.42, πληροῖ τὰ λῃστήρια Aesch. 1.191 ; Plut. Pomp. 26, Syll. 3, u. a.Sp., auch = Räuberhöhle.
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)


1. a band of robbers , (Xenophon Historicus):—; a retreat or nest of robbers , (Strabo Geographus)
2. robbery , in plural, (Lucian)
from λῃστής (ML)
Translators Brief lexicon of Extended Strongs for Greek based on Abbot-Smith, A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament (1922) (=AS), with corrections and adapted by Tyndale Scholars