


ου (ὁ) :
cône, construction mathématique, ARSTT. Meteor. 2, 5, 12, etc. ;
   II objet en forme de cône :
      1 cimier d’un casque, ANTH. 9, 322 ;
      2 pomme de pin, THCR. Idyl. 5, 49 ; TH. H.P. 3, 9, 5 ; d’où pin, A. PL. 1, 13 ; fém. PLUT. M. 640 c ; résine ou poix, DIOSC. 1, 94.
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ου, masc., the fruit of the πεύκη, pine-cone, = στρόβιλος, Ps.-Hdt. Vit. Hom. 20, Thphr. HP 3.9.5, Theoc. 5.49, Dsc. 1.69, etc. ; used in Orphic rites, Orph. Fr. 31.29.
edible seed of the πίτυς, Mnesith. ap. Ath. 2.57b; πιτύϊνοι κ. Alex.Mynd. ibid., cf. IG2². 1013.19, OGI 629.163 (Palmyra, ii AD). fem., pine tree, Pl. Epigr. 25 (prob.), Plu. 2.640c. from like ness of shape, cone, Democr. 155, Arist. Mete. 362b2, etc. ; γραμμαὶ κατὰ κῶνον ἐκπίπτουσαι so as to form a cone, ib. 375b22, cf. 345b6; ὀρθογωνίου, ὀξυγωνίου, ἀμβλυγωνίου κώνου τομά, names for parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola, Archim. Con. Sph. Praef. ὁ κ. τῆς γῆς conical shadow of the earth, Simp. in de An. 133.5, cf. Phlp. in de An. 348.27; τῆς νυκτὸς ὁ κ. εἰς ὀξὺ λήγει Dam. Pr. 213. ὁ τῆς ὄψεως κ.
cone of vision, Gal. 7.95, cf. Phlp. in de An. 333.27 (pl.).
cone or peak of a helmet, AP 9.322 (Leon.). = στρόβιλος, spinning top, Hsch.
iron pole round which grain is piled in conical shape, PGrenf. 2.17.3 (ii BC), Gal. 19.76. στέφανος χρυσοῦς ἐπὶ κώνου δάφνης dub.sens. in Inscr.Délos 442 B 56 (ii BC). as place-name. πρὸς τῷ ἀνδροφόνῳ κώνῳ dub.sens. in IG 3.61 A ii 15 (ii AD).
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)


ὁ, der Kegel, der bekannte mathematische Körper, Arist. Probl. 3.11 u. öfter, u. Mathem. – Daher auch
   a) der kegelförmige Zapfen der Pini ; Theocr. 5.49 ; Theophr.; daraus bereitetes Pech ; στροβιλος, Her. vit.Hom. 20 ; vgl. Ath. II p. 57.
   b) die kegelförmige Helmspitze, Leon.Tar. 47 (IX.322).
   c) der kegelförmige Kreisel, Sp.
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)