


δι·θάλασσος, att. -ττος, ος, ον [ῐᾰλ]
      1 baigné par deux mers, NT. Ap. 27, 41 ;
      2 qui se partage en deux mers, STR. 124 ; DP. 156 ;
      3 où se rencontrent deux courants, en parl. des Syrtes, D. CHR. 1, 190 Reiske.

Étym. δίς, θάλασσα.

Bailly 2020 Hugo Chávez Gérard Gréco, André Charbonnet, Mark De Wilde, Bernard Maréchal & contributeurs / Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification — « CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 »


Att. διθάλαττος [θα], ον, divided into two seas, of the Euxine, Str. 2.5.22, cf. D.P. 156; of the Atlantic, Str. 1.1.8.
between two seas, where two seas meet, as is often the case off a headland, Act. Ap. 27.41; βραχέα καὶ διθάλαττα shallows and meetings of currents, in the Syrtes, D.Chr. 5.9.
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)


att. διθάλαττος, an zwei Meeren gelegen ; Act. Apost. 27.41 ; zwei Meere bildend, πόντος Strab 2.5.22 ; D. Per 156.
Pape, Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (3. Aufl., 1914)


διθάλασσος, -ον
(δις, θύλασσα);
__1. divided into two seas (as the Euxine, Strab., ii, 522).
__2. dividing the sea: τόπον δ., a tongue of land, or reef, running out into the sea: Act.27:41.†
Translators Brief lexicon of Extended Strongs for Greek based on Abbot-Smith, A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament (1922) (=AS), with corrections and adapted by Tyndale Scholars