


ύος (ἡ) [ῡς, ῠο]
      1 Tèthys, femme d’Okéanos, nourrice d’Hèra, IL. 14, 201, 302 ; HÉS. Th. 136, 337 ;
      2 p. suite, la mer, ou sel. d’autres, la terre, ESCHL. Pr. 137, Sept. 311 ; postér. seul. la mer, ARSTT. Metaph. 1, 3, 6 ; ORPH. H. 1, 26 ; CALL. H. 3, 44 ; Q. SM. 5, 398.

Voc. Τηθύς, NONN. D. 23, 285, etc. ; CALL. l. c.

Étym. p.-ê. apparenté à τῆθος.

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ύος, ἡ, Tethys, wife of Oceanus, nurse of Hera, Il. 14.201, 302; daughter of Uranus and Gaia, mother of the river-gods and Oceanides, Hes. Th. 136, 337, cf. A. Pr. 137 (anap.), Th. 311 (lyr.); Ὠκεανὸν… καὶ Τηθὺν ἐποίησαν τῆς γενέσεως πατέρας Arist. Metaph. 983b30; taken as type of a very old woman, prob. in Call. Iamb. 1.248 (Hermes 69.174); cf. προτήθυς. in later writers, the Sea, Lyc. 1069, AP 7.214.6 (Arch.), Nonn. D. 31.187, Orph. A. 335, etc., cf. Porph. ap. Eus. PE 3.11, Suid. [υ in disyll. cases, υ in trisyll.]
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)