


dor. Σᾶμος, ου (ὁ) Sèmos ou Samos, h. PD. O. 11, 81.
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Proper name: SEMUS (Σῆμος), a Greek grammarian of uncertain date, wrote, according to Suidas (s. v.), eight books on Delos, two books of TrepioSoi, one on Paros, one on Pergamus, and a work on Paeans. Suidas calls him an Elean, but it appears from Athenaeus (iii. p. 123, d.) that this is a mistake, and that he was a native of Delos. His work on Delos (ArjAiaKd or A-qXids) Avas the most im- portant, and is frequently referred to by Athenaeus, and once or twice by other writers (Athen. iii. p. 109, f., iv. p. 173, e., viii. pp. 331, f,, 335, a., xi. p. 469, c, xiv. pp. 614, a., 637, b., 645, b., xv. p. 676., f. ; Steph. Byz. s.v. Teyvpa ; Etym. Magn, s. V. Bi€Aiuos). Athenaeus also quotes (xiv. pp. 618, d., 622, a — d.) his work on Paeans (irepl Tratduwu). We likewise find in Athenaeus (iii. p. 123, d.), a reference to a work of Semus on Islands (N77«nds), but it has been suggested with much probability that this is a false reading for ArjAjcts. (Vossius, De Histor. Graecis, p. 497, ed. Wester- mann.) (Wikisource | public domain)
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (ed. William Smith 1870), Wikisource | public domain


Lexicon of Greek Personal Names