


ῶν (οἱ) les Selles, prêtres de Zeus à Dodone, ou anciens habitants de Dodone, IL. 16, 234 ; SOPH. Tr. 1167 ; EUR. fr. 368, etc.

Étym. v. Ἑλλοί.

Bailly 2020 Hugo Chávez Gérard Gréco, André Charbonnet, Mark De Wilde, Bernard Maréchal & contributeurs / Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification — « CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 »


οἱ, Selli, ancient inhabitants of Dodona, guardians of the oracle of Zeus, ἀμφὶ δὲ Σελλοὶ σοὶ ναίουσ’ ὑποφῆται ἀνιπτόποδες χαμαιεῦναι Il. 16.234; τῶν ὀρείων καὶ χαμαικοιτῶν… Σελλῶν S. Tr. 1167; ἐν ἀστρώτῳ πέδῳ εὕδουσι, πηγαῖς δ’ οὐχ ὑγραίνουσιν πόδας E. Fr. 367, cf. Arist. Mete. 352b2, Str. 7.7.10. (Pi. (Fr. 59) understood ἀμφὶ δέ σ’ Ἑλλοί in Il. l.c., but this is an error acc. to Aristarch., cf. Hsch. s.v. Σελλήεις, though countenanced by Id. s.v. Ἕλλα and Ἕλα, where it is apparently derived from Lacon. ἕλλα seat (sc. of Zeus at Dodona).)
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)