


ῶν (αἱ) Thèbes :
      1 v. de Béotie (auj. Thíva) ARSTT. Pepl. 45 ; ANTH. 9, 588 ; p. ext. le territoire de Thèbes (c. Θηϐαΐς) XÉN. Hell. 5, 4, 19, 63 ;
      2 v. de la Haute-Égypte (auj. ruines de Karnak, de Louxor, de Médinet Habou et de Gournet Mourraï) IL. 9, 381 ; OD. 4, 126 ; HDT. 1, 182, etc. ; ESCHL. Pers. 38 ; PLAT. Phædr. 274 d, etc.

Gén. dor. Θηϐᾶν, PD. O. 9, 102 ; P. 2, 6 ; I. 4, 88 ; gén. ion. -έων, HDT. 1, 52 ; 4, 181 ; dat. poét. -αισι, PD. O. 6, 25 ; I. 1, 96 ; SOPH. O.R. 1203 ; EUR. Ph. 4, 367 ; dat. ion. -ῃσι, IL. 22, 479 ; HDT. 1, 52, etc. ; ou -ῃσ’, OD. 4, 126.

Étym. cf. Θήϐη.

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ῶν, αἱ, Thebes, Θ. Αἰγύπτιαι… αἳ ἑκατόμπυλοί εἰσι Il. 9.381; also sg., Θήβης ἑπταπύλοιο (Boeotia) 4.406; — hence Θήβασδε to Thebes, 23.679; Att. Θήβαζε Sch. Il. 3.29, al. ; Θήβησιν at Thebes, Il. 22.479, Arist. Rh. 1398b2, Θήβησι Il. 14.114; from the sg., Θήβηθεν from Thebes, Ephipp. 15.7; poet. -θε APl. 4.185; Boeot. Θείβαθεν from Thebes, Ar. Ach. 862, also -αθε (-αθι codd.) ib. 868; — Adj. Θηβαιεύς, έως, Ion. έος, ὁ, epith. of Zeus, Theban, Hdt. 1.182, etc. ; Θηβαῖος, α, ον, Theban, Od. 10.492, etc. ; Θηβαΐας (metri gr.) S. Ant. 1135 (lyr.); Θηβαϊκός, ή, όν, Hdt. 2.4, etc.
Liddell-Scott-Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., 1940)


Place, proper name
  • Bronze Age to Late Antique city near Luxor in Egypt. (TOPOS text)
  • important Archaic to Medieval polis at Thivai in Viotia Central Greece. (TOPOS text)
  • Ruins of archaic-hellenistic city W of Doganbey, S slope of Mt. Mykale, Turkey. (TOPOS text)
TOPOS text