


Proper name: A′LCIMUS (Άλκιμος), a Greek rhetorician whom Diogenes Laertius (ii. 114) calls the most distinguished of all Greek rhetoricians, flourished about b.c. 300. It is not certain whether he is the same as the Alcimus to whom Diogenes in another passage (iii. 9) asciibes a work πρὁς Άμὐνταν. Athenaeus in several places speaks of a Sicilian Alcimus, who appears to have been the author of a great historical work, parts of whicb are referred to under the names of Ίταλικα and Σικελικά. But whether he was the same as the rhetorician Alcimus, cannot be determined. (Athen. x. p. 441, xii. p. 518, vii. p. 322.) (Wikisource | public domain)
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (ed. William Smith 1870), Wikisource | public domain